Sunday'l correction, sunday afternoon:p It's already past twelve. sorry, couldn't have got up without the call from mom. Just keepin an eye on mah lifestyle(thats the reason she gives everytime she disturbs my sleep:\). Anyways, checked in the mirror, thank god my boxer n tee is in place, it must have been a normal night(if thats how u denote sittin in front of computer till mornin 6!). Threw a diwali party n i was the one who had to get all the stuff n got tired in the process. A friend stayed back(a real geek, hard to find:D), n u can guess the events that followed. Yup tried configuring dual LAN on server with a new distro.PERIOD.
So......curtain is glowing with the sun light coming from out side. Just pulled the curtain a bit to check the weather, "Wot a Day!!:)" these are the exact words i must hav uttered after the glimpse i had. It was sunny yet the sun wasn't that rude today n weather was cool. Just Perfect.
Opened the door, hall was empty, where's abhi(lazy bum is mah roomie), Oh Jesus, ther he is, "why did i call his name?"this is wot i thought after seeing him appear outta nowhere(he knows all these tricks!). N then comes the same line i say(i guess i ask) everyday-"Wot time you got up man?". And the answer he gave never deffered either-"Just an hour ago:)".
You'll surely feel like a jerk when u hear this, you could've got so many things done, if u woulda got up an hour early. but who cares!!
Rest of the things r not that interesting to write, still...brushed my teeth, played one game of online pool(in abhi's profile, best way to practice without loosing ur dignity online:p). Then a hot shower.....fresh...fresh....fresh! Oh gawsh it's 3, mah LUNCH!! Rushed to the near by restaurant to hav somethin good(wot i had is none of ur business!). Came out, went for a smoke(i don't, my roomie does). Was admiring the weather, then thought of going out, so called up a friend, whom i was suppose to meet an year an half ago(it sucks!). She's a childhood friend of mine. Damn. her cell is busy. Todays isn't my day. Oh..khey...alrighty then. Went back to room, took of the tee(CENSORED;)), before i could go further heard a nice guitar tune,it's my cell!!:) "Hellow"..."ya" Sidharth here"....."Hey_____"(i ain't gonne tell u her name!) I got a shock(may not be the appropriate word in this context, but thats wot i got!). It's her(my friend yaar, who else), n she's gettin MARRIED?!? was i in coma or somethin? Wot happened to her!! She's leaving for home on twentieth of this month n marriage is on 5th. Hellow, can anyone plz explain to me wot's going on here?? "It's a long story, u better come over here, cause am sure u won't get another weekend free to meet up!!"-she said. "Alright, mesg u when i start. sms me ur address AGAIN(it's been 18 months since i last gave her a visit)." wheres my tee, wheres my tee. Oh there it is! Hurry's bit far from my place so gonna take some time to roomie was a dumb spectator, n all he said was-"Hey buddy, i can understand wot u r going thru right now, but HEY do gimme a call, if u plan to hit the pub tonight! I'd be glad to join ya!". Who the F#CK is gonna do that. I tried makin him take his words back, but never mind dawg, i better hurry.
Keys, Papers, Bandana, Time to Roll. (Need i mention the smile on my roomie's face when i looked back while leaving?! showed him mah middle finger:) i luv doin that:p I wasn't sure of the status of my flu tank, so decided to stop at a bunk. Filled the tank, switched on the music(I use my nok5300 during my ride). COOL. A romantic weather, my fav vehicle in a great condition, good music, as if all the ingredients are fallin into place! simply fire the engine n go, "The road is calling!!" drove for 20 minutes got past the city limits,
then came the outer ring road, few halts to ask direction(Who da f#ck said macho men don't need directions?!!). Took few snaps on the way...(the ones on display here r part of the shoot).Almost close to her house, had a bit of confusion of the the deviation ahead, so after slight hesitation asked a fellow la rider(don't know french, but thats how people of opposite sex r described there), who was busy with her cell n headset plugged into her ears, underneath a black helmet(road side stuff), may be playin fm, n was waitin for the signal to turn green. She turned slid her front viser up n after that things became dramatically S.s.s.s.l.l.l.0.w.w.w. As if someone has activated the matrix mode. [She was gorgeous!] i wonder why do they wear such cheap helmets!!? Anyways, n i bet she was more than delighted to tell me the deviation ahead;>
She said she can't describe the exact place to take the turn, but lcuk was on my side. She's going that way!! :D ahem..She said, "okhey, j.j.j.u....s...s....t k...e....e...e...p f....o....l...l...o...w....i...i.n.g me m...e....e !!" Few!! Neo just saved himself from the bullets! It was close!! God i luv ya!! u ain't that bad!! The curve was touchin both my ears! Checked out the timer, 30....................................29.....................oh puhleez! Can somebody set it to ZERO!! Patience! Patience! F#ck with Patience!! Vrooom...vroom...Hey it's green....let my escort LEAD THE WAY!!!!!!!!:)
A wide road, trees on both sides,was feeling cold, could see the city scape in distant horizon, u can imagine the rest....a twist to the left n a twist to the right(the motion of the bikes u dirty mind) n another signal, n my escort indicated right, Oh I hav to take a right now.hmmm. Time to say good bye....(It happens with all the lone riders, u gotta practice it well)...just pulled the throttle a bit, came parallel, came a bit closer(bikes in motion), pulled up my viser, said "Thank u.." n she couldn't hide her smile when she whispered.."welcome..."
Ohhh plz don't cry, i don't want my readers to get wet in tears!!
So that right turn lead me to my friends neighbourhood, the place i was seeing after a year. Nothin much has changed since then. It's lookin greener with more trees n grass, due to rain i thought.
[Left the place at 9 at night, drove back to my room. Reached at around 10.30. Before i could park the bike saw an unexpected friend standing at the main entrance with a smile. He's here with the plan for a late night bike ride. Well....hmmm.....Okhey:) couldn't turn down his proposal seeing his enthusiasm...]

So......curtain is glowing with the sun light coming from out side. Just pulled the curtain a bit to check the weather, "Wot a Day!!:)" these are the exact words i must hav uttered after the glimpse i had. It was sunny yet the sun wasn't that rude today n weather was cool. Just Perfect.
Opened the door, hall was empty, where's abhi(lazy bum is mah roomie), Oh Jesus, ther he is, "why did i call his name?"this is wot i thought after seeing him appear outta nowhere(he knows all these tricks!). N then comes the same line i say(i guess i ask) everyday-"Wot time you got up man?". And the answer he gave never deffered either-"Just an hour ago:)".
You'll surely feel like a jerk when u hear this, you could've got so many things done, if u woulda got up an hour early. but who cares!!
Rest of the things r not that interesting to write, still...brushed my teeth, played one game of online pool(in abhi's profile, best way to practice without loosing ur dignity online:p). Then a hot shower.....fresh...fresh....fresh! Oh gawsh it's 3, mah LUNCH!! Rushed to the near by restaurant to hav somethin good(wot i had is none of ur business!). Came out, went for a smoke(i don't, my roomie does). Was admiring the weather, then thought of going out, so called up a friend, whom i was suppose to meet an year an half ago(it sucks!). She's a childhood friend of mine. Damn. her cell is busy. Todays isn't my day. Oh..khey...alrighty then. Went back to room, took of the tee(CENSORED;)), before i could go further heard a nice guitar tune,it's my cell!!:) "Hellow"..."ya" Sidharth here"....."Hey_____"(i ain't gonne tell u her name!) I got a shock(may not be the appropriate word in this context, but thats wot i got!). It's her(my friend yaar, who else), n she's gettin MARRIED?!? was i in coma or somethin? Wot happened to her!! She's leaving for home on twentieth of this month n marriage is on 5th. Hellow, can anyone plz explain to me wot's going on here?? "It's a long story, u better come over here, cause am sure u won't get another weekend free to meet up!!"-she said. "Alright, mesg u when i start. sms me ur address AGAIN(it's been 18 months since i last gave her a visit)." wheres my tee, wheres my tee. Oh there it is! Hurry's bit far from my place so gonna take some time to roomie was a dumb spectator, n all he said was-"Hey buddy, i can understand wot u r going thru right now, but HEY do gimme a call, if u plan to hit the pub tonight! I'd be glad to join ya!". Who the F#CK is gonna do that. I tried makin him take his words back, but never mind dawg, i better hurry.
Keys, Papers, Bandana, Time to Roll. (Need i mention the smile on my roomie's face when i looked back while leaving?! showed him mah middle finger:) i luv doin that:p I wasn't sure of the status of my flu tank, so decided to stop at a bunk. Filled the tank, switched on the music(I use my nok5300 during my ride). COOL. A romantic weather, my fav vehicle in a great condition, good music, as if all the ingredients are fallin into place! simply fire the engine n go, "The road is calling!!" drove for 20 minutes got past the city limits,

She said she can't describe the exact place to take the turn, but lcuk was on my side. She's going that way!! :D ahem..She said, "okhey, j.j.j.u....s...s....t k...e....e...e...p f....o....l...l...o...w....i...i.n.g me m...e....e !!" Few!! Neo just saved himself from the bullets! It was close!! God i luv ya!! u ain't that bad!! The curve was touchin both my ears! Checked out the timer, 30....................................29.....................oh puhleez! Can somebody set it to ZERO!! Patience! Patience! F#ck with Patience!! Vrooom...vroom...Hey it's green....let my escort LEAD THE WAY!!!!!!!!:)
A wide road, trees on both sides,was feeling cold, could see the city scape in distant horizon, u can imagine the rest....a twist to the left n a twist to the right(the motion of the bikes u dirty mind) n another signal, n my escort indicated right, Oh I hav to take a right now.hmmm. Time to say good bye....(It happens with all the lone riders, u gotta practice it well)...just pulled the throttle a bit, came parallel, came a bit closer(bikes in motion), pulled up my viser, said "Thank u.." n she couldn't hide her smile when she whispered.."welcome..."
Ohhh plz don't cry, i don't want my readers to get wet in tears!!
So that right turn lead me to my friends neighbourhood, the place i was seeing after a year. Nothin much has changed since then. It's lookin greener with more trees n grass, due to rain i thought.
[saw this cute puppy there..]
Drove a bit further n there she is standin near the gate with a smile, a perfect Host...I slowed down n finally stopped near the main gate....Finally reached!! It was a great drive. And then I had a wonderful evening with the Wonderful friend of mine. Talked abt school days my last visit, how much am changed thru these years n so on....Stayed there longer than i expected, had dinner, it was great to hav home cooked food after such a long time, that too by a person who grew up with me, used to play with me, now gettin married! A new chapter of life. Congratulated her n Wished her a Happy Married Life...

[Left the place at 9 at night, drove back to my room. Reached at around 10.30. Before i could park the bike saw an unexpected friend standing at the main entrance with a smile. He's here with the plan for a late night bike ride. Well....hmmm.....Okhey:) couldn't turn down his proposal seeing his enthusiasm...]

Awesome blog ya..;>
Thanks buddy!
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