Sunday, 7 February 2016

Firefighting Motorcycle

During last year's (2015) air show, while returning from the Yelahanka air base, I noticed a brand new (and colorful) motorcycle parked inside the Fire Station. Me being me, I got inside all curious to know what bike it was. The closer I got to the motorcycle, the more familiar it started to appear. It turned out to be a Royal Enfield Electra UCE. However, it wasn't a stock motorcycle we get to see on the road. It was modified to be a..well...firetruck / fire-motorcycle if there is such a term. Luckily I had my cam with me and I couldn't miss out on the opportunity to capture some shots of this interesting machine. It's not always a good idea to point a lens at Govt run establishment without prior permission. So I just walked into the office next to the parking and spoke to the gentleman/officer there. He had no objections if I could restrict my image to capture only the bike and not the surroundings/premises. I was more than happy as that's all I wanted :) So here are some of the photos I could get of the geared-up Electra:

These bikes will be able to filter through Bangalore traffic to reach a location quicker than a bigger more equipped fire truck can and would be able to provide backup in the crucial initial stage of a fire incident. This in my opinion can make a real difference, as in India by the time a fire truck makes it to a location, most of the damage would have been done. So if something of this sort can make it early with a trained firefighter on board, the situation can be contained more easily.

Having said this, I am yet to see one of these in action in Bangalore yet. Hope they are getting used to it and making a difference. 

Have you seen this machine on road? Do share any image/info you may have in the comments.


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